Keep the raw placenta/cord out of the fridge no more than 5 hours, and in the fridge no more than 4 days. If you are near Bristol, UK, I will come myself to help. It can be placed in your freezer where it can stay until you are physically well enough to do the next stage, if you aren’t emotionally ready please ask a friend or midwife to read this to help you. Cord/placenta Preservation for Baby Loss Jewellery* Do not allow the piece to have any chemicals on it, please as we are unable to work with pieces that have been in formaldehyde etc.

If you’re about to or have just delivered you’re welcome to call me, Nikki on 01. Please ask a midwife to help and perhaps show them this page so they can help preserve a piece. It can be left at room temperature but too long and it might not be pleasant to dry or work with. You must promise not to consume this (such as a placenta smoothie) as this is not recommended if your baby has been poorly. They may need to check the entire placenta first but ask them not to use chemicals on the piece you are keeping. You can take an ice block and insulated bag with you if possible (planned delivery), to put the cord in and give it to a loved one to take home that/the next day. You can usually ask to keep a walnut sized amount of placenta and/or a small 2-3ccm piece of umbilical cord for jewellery. If you are pregnant and your baby is poorly or will be born sleeping it is unlikely that the hospital will allow you to keep the whole placenta. 4 ► Collecting Placenta and Umbilical Cord Cleaning and Storing Memorial Jewelleryġ 2.Everything Is Awful and I’m Not Okay: questions to ask before giving up.